Iranian Barberry Major Supply for Import/Export
Are you searching for a barberries producer that can do Iranian barberry major supply for you? The export/import of barberry is increasing.
ANARI and POFAKI are the main two varieties of Iranian dried barberries using for export/import.
A large volume of major purchases of this product is for the supply of this product for other countries. In fact, it means a significant increase in the export of Iranian Zereshk all over the world.
Iran’s customs statistics show an increase in the volume of exports of this product in recent years.
Iranian barberry is one of the products with high medicinal properties.
This product is available both organically and non-organically in South Khorasan province in eastern Iran.
To prepare barberry, various processes are necessary.
Dry Barberry Preparation Processes
Fresh barberry has no special sale market not only in Iran but also in other countries.
Actually, most of the uses of Iranian barberry fruit, and the major supply of this product is in the form of dried barberry fruit.
The drying procedure and process of barberry have two methods and in fact, there are two main varieties of barberries according to these two methods.
- Drying under direct sunlight
- Drying in warehouses with no direct sunlight
Below we will explain these two modes of production of dried barberry.
Barberry that dries in the sun is Iranian ANARI Zereshk and the major supply of this variety is to use in the production of other foodstuffs and products.
Barberry that is also dried in barberry drying warehouses is puffy barberry or Iranian POFAKI Zereshk.
Iranian Anari Barberry has a darker color than Pofaki barberry due to drying under direct sunlight.
The most important reason why Puffy barberry has a better market in almost all the countries is this bright color.
On the other aspect, the price of Anari barberry is always lower than puffy barberry. With this in mind, obviously, you need to know more about these two varieties to make a final decision about your purchase. The Iranian barberry major supply is not that difficult and different for both varieties. So you need to check your market to choose the better variety for your purchase.
Unlike Puffy barberry, Anari barberry dries in a shorter time.
Drying of puffy barberry often takes more than three months.
Iranian Barberry Fruits Major Supply Center
If you want to buy barberries in bulk with higher qualities and lower prices, you need to check the Khorasan province of Iran.
The major supply of all Iranian barberries refers to this region of Iran.
In the bulk purchase of dried barberry in Khorasan, we must pay attention to some points.
Each barberry variety has its own consumption.
So we have to pay attention to what consumption barberry is for and what it is supposed to be used for.
The Artin barberry company is also one of the companies that produce and sells barberry in major volumes and supply this product for customers in other countries.
The following are some of the commercial advantages of Artin nuts.
- Due to the production and packaging of barberry after the customer’s order, barberry has a freshness and high quality.
- Due to the integration of the production and sales stage, you can get the barberry you need at the lowest price.
Of course, we have to pay attention to some points here.
As mentioned, barberry has different varieties.
For this reason, the price of barberry should be compared with its counterpart and its quality.
In the Artin company, we try to distribute barberry to distributors and consumers at the lowest price.
For advice, purchase, and selection of your ideal barberry, you can contact Artin commercial sales consultants.
Major Supply of Iranian Barberry for Export/Import
A large part of the barberry production in Iran is for the domestic market but in recent years, a significant amount of this product is in use for export/import to other countries such as Germany, France, Canada, Russia, and etc.
The export of Iranian barberry has a very high capacity.
There are some points to consider when exporting/importing barberry.
Every region in the world usually consumes a specific type of barberry.
But the point is that one hundred percent of the barberry consumed in an area is not covered by one type of barberry and usually barberry is consumed in different varieties.
So usually a certain type of barberry goes to an area, but it means that these barberries have more consumption than other types.
The next point is that some countries require special certificates for the import of barberry.
Or some others consider a special type of barberry with a special feature and the shape of barberry is not very important for these countries.
For advice and purchase of barberry, you can contact the consultants of the company.