Khorasan Classy Barberry | Dried Red Barberries
Khorasan Classy Barberry has a perfect improving market, especially in European countries. Dried red edible barberries are available in Iran.
How much is the price of Khorasan classy barberry? Which varieties of Iranian red barberries are available in the market?
Which companies and sellers are the best options to buy these products in bulk or export them?
To get the answers to the above questions and also to get more information about the types of barberry in South Khorasan, join us in this article.
As you know, the largest and only producer of seedless red barberry in the world is South Khorasan Province. In this province, barberry is available in different types and is in use by active companies for sale in the domestic market or for export to different countries.
Dried Barberries Production Center in Iran
As we know, barberry is one of the most valuable plants found in the tropics.
It can be said that South Khorasan province is the most important and largest producer of barberry in the country.
In this province, barberry covers a large area under agriculture.
In addition to the prosperity of barberry production in this province, processing and drying it is also very common.
During the harvest season, In this province, people dry barberry in various shapes and methods and they are the common barberries that you see in the market.
Artin Barberry Wholesale Center in Khorasan
Most of the main sales of Iranian barberry are in bulk. If you want to buy Khorasan classy barberry at an affordable price, you can purchase it in bulk here in Khorasan.
Khorasan classy barberry is available in small packages by various brands but their prices are not that competitive. In fact, the best competitive price is when you buy this product in bulk.
Artin company is a barberry producing company that has both bulk and small packages of red barberries available for merchants and suppliers.
The most important concern of every buyer and seller in any field of work right now is price besides the quality.
Artin Company performs two important tasks due to its connection with different collections and the integration of production and sales processes.
- At first, it offers barberry at the lowest price.
- And also, due to the falling price, it is trying to increase its quality.
In the next section, we have more information about the price of the barberry for you.
Khorasan Classy Barberry Price List
There are different types of barberries and according to the different uses of each type, they are suitable for one or more specific uses.
These differences are mostly due to the drying methods of red barberries.
Let’s talk a little more about this.
Comparison and prices of barberry varieties
First, we will compare the two main varieties of Iranian barberries:
Dried Pofaki Barberry – Dried Anari Barberry
To dry barberry in Anari form, producers spread fresh barberries under direct sunlight.
Farmers try to dry the barberry with tools by turning it upside down.
These barberries will have a darker red color than other varieties of barberry due to direct sunlight.
Another thing about this barberry is that there is a possibility of damage to the dried barberry due to the upside-down.
One of the advantages of this barberry is that it dries faster.
In fact, they are available in the market faster after the harvest season.
These barberries have a lower price than Pofaki barberries.
To produce Pofaki barberries, producers put barberries in halls.
This type of barberry loses its moisture over time and due to this drying of Pofaki barberries is time-consuming.
Puffy barberry is more colorful and has a lighter color than Anari because it is not exposed to sunlight.
These barberries have a higher price and at the same time a higher quality than Anari barberry.
While the Pofaki barberries are drying in the hall, some barberries fall from the lower branch.
These barberries are something between Anari and Pofaki.
The price of these barberries is between Pofaki barberry and Anari barberry.
Of course, according to market fluctuations, we must consider the price at the time of purchasing.
For advice or to buy different types of barberry, you can contact the sales consultants of the Artin company.
By making direct contact, you can receive the price of Khorasan Classy Barberry from our sales managers.