Bulk Iranian Pistachio Seller in Sweden
Bulk pistachios in Sweden have a significant sales volume along with packaged pistachios. Do you know a well known Iranian pistachio seller in Sweden that is importer as well?
Pistachio sellers in Sweden buy their products both raw and roasted with salt and saffron.
Akbari, Ahmad Aghaei, Koleghouchi and Fandoghi pistachios are known in Swedish market.
Iranian Pistachio Varieties and Types
Iran is one of the largest exporters of pistachios in the world.
In Iran, pistachios produces in different types and send to export markets in all parts of the world.
One of the most important pistachios produces in Iran, which has many buyers in the world market, is the following:
- Akbari Pistachio
- Ahmad Aghaei
- Kalleghouchi Pistachios
- Fandoghi Pistachio
- Badami Pistachio
Other types of pistachios produces in different provinces of Iran, but due to the low volume of its production, they are often not very well known.
To export pistachios, after selecting the destination country, you must first specify the type of pistachio. Then other quality characteristics of pistachios should identify, some of which are:
- Natural or Mechanical Open
- Pistachio Ounce (Size)
- Percentage of Close-Mouth
- Percentage of Slightly-Open
- Completely Open Pistachios (Percentage)
- Percentage of bad shapes (deformity)
- Packing (bag or carton)
- Being raw or salty
- Percentage of aflatoxin
All the above items must measure during the export of pistachios from Iran to any country so that the final product sends exactly according to the order of the customer.
If you are a pistachio seller in Sweden, we advise you to buy these types of pistachios:
- Fandoghi Pistachio Nuts
- Ahmadaghaeei Pistachio Nuts
- Round Pistachio kernels
- Green Peeled Pistachio Kernels
Pistachio Buy/Sell Center
In Iran, due to the extent of production of pistachios in the provinces of Kerman, Khorasan, Yazd and Semnan, many production and processing units are operating.
In this regard, it is possible to communicate with different pistachio recording and processing factories and terminals.
Of course, the point to note is that some types of pistachios produces in some provinces in high volume.
For example:
- The main center of Akbari pistachio production is Anar city in Kerman province.
- Ahmad Aghaei pistachio production center of Iran is Rafsanjan city in Kerman province.
- The center of planting and producing Iranian Kalleghouchi pistachio, is Sabzevar city in Khorasan province.
However, due to the high connections between production units and terminals across the country, in recent years, we witness the purchase of products in the form of fresh (still on the trees) from different provinces.
In fact, more pistachios transfer from one province to another for peeling, processing and drying.
Bulk Pistachio Seller in Sweden
Sweden is well known as one of the buyers of Iranian high quality pistachios in world markets.
Pistachios mostly sends to Iran in bulk from Iran.
In Sweden, bulk pistachios package or sell in bulk after customs clearance.
Of course, for distribution in chain stores, pistachio products are often raw or salted in small packages (weighing less than 400 grams).
But in other centers, either the pistachio product offers in bulk or pistachio kernels use. And the final target market of this product is the centers for the production of sweets, chocolates and protein products.
Among the Iranian pistachio varieties, most long pistachios (Ahmadaghaie) use for export to Sweden.
The two types of Akbari and Ahmad Aghaei have the highest number of orders.
The remarkable point about these two types of pistachios is that the approval of afflatoxin certificate.
Preparing a load with standard level of afflatoxin is easier for Ahmadaghaee type rather than Akbari pistachios.
Iranian Pistachio Online Purchase for Sweden
Due to the high transportation costs, most of Iran’s pistachio export customers first contact various production units in Iran.
After reviewing the basics and receiving the daily price of the products, export customers register their product sample request in the relevant company.
Then, After sending the sample and performing the necessary tests and final approval of the product, buyers will receive a Proforma Invoice from the exporter of the product.
After that, the pistachio production unit and exporter process and package the product according to their customer’s order.
Next, the pistachio load is ready to enter the customs and perform customs affairs. and the exporter prepare all certificates and permits from the relevant organizations and sends them by cargo or separately to the buyer in the destination country.
By means of these certificates the buyer can easily clear the goods in the destination country.
You can call us in WhatsApp for any further information: +989153627103