Slivered Pistachio Nuts for Export/Import
Slivered Pistachio Nuts are using to produce many foodstuffs, pastries, confectioneries, and ice-cream. Iran has the greenest pistachios.
The first-class slivered pistachio nuts of Iran as one of the main pistachio products are mainly using for export to many countries.
When discussing the export of two categories, the export of oil products and the export of non-oil products are raised.
Due to the drop in world oil prices in the markets for buying and selling this product, the government turned to export non-oil products to other countries to meet the currency challenge.
Pistachios and Its Products for Export/Import
Among Iran’s export products in the field of non-oil goods, carpets, pistachios, and saffron were considered as leading goods that pistachios due to exports to different countries could be in the first place in terms of export value.
Considering that pistachio production in Iran is the highest quality pistachio in the world and the United States is the only competitor in the field of production of Iran, the market of this product is an exclusive market for Iranians.
Since the production of added-value is of great importance in the export of any commodity, in the field of pistachios, the sale of raw products should be avoided as much as possible and by producing its products in the country, more value-added should achieve during export.
One of the important products of pistachio is pistachio slices and slivers. This product can have a good currency for the country, considering that there are many requests to buy it from different countries.
Production and export of pistachio slices have several points, most of which are discussing in the field of standard and packaging of pistachio slices.
Slivered Green Pistachio Nuts for Export/Import
Pistachio slices and slivers are among the pistachio products that are using in various food industries.
The focus of use and application of this product is more in the field of production and decoration of cakes, sweets, ice cream, Chocolate, and etc.
Iranian slivered pistachio nuts have a very wide market, which is the largest volume of orders related to the following countries:
- Germany
- France
- Emirates
- Italy
- India
- Qatar
- Pakistan
- Japan
- Hong Kong
- Kuwait
To export to some of these countries, products must have special certificates.
For example, one of the necessary certificates for the clearance of goods in EU countries, especially Germany, is the aflatoxin certificate for sliced pistachios.
This certificate confirms that the amount of aflatoxin present in the pistachio slices is not higher than the limit set in the European Union.
This fungus can enter the pistachio kernel when the pistachio harvests from the tree.
In this regard, producers of pistachio slices should be sure of the raw materials, ie the pistachio kernel.
Some other countries, such as India, Kuwait, Qatar, and Pakistan, only need a plant health certificate to clear the goods.
Another name for this certificate is the quarantine or Phytosanitary certificate issued by the representative of the Agricultural Jihad Organization in customs.
This certificate will be issued if the product has standard features and parameters.
Wholesale Center of Artin Slivered Pistachio Nuts
One of the companies supplying pistachio kernels and its products, especially green pistachio slices, is Artin Pistachio Production Company.
This company has been operating in the field of trade and export of pistachios for the past few years.
Various products with different qualities are producing for various industries.
One of the most important and obvious features of pistachio slices that are effective in determining the quality and price are the following:
- The green color of slices and slivers
- The long shape of the product
- Any microbiological approvals
- Product fat percentage
- Suitable packaging
- Aflatoxin certification (for special cases)
- Freshness and taste
All of this is taken into account in determining the grade and quality of the product.
To receive the daily price of pistachio slices, you can contact the sales unit of the Artin company.
Export Packages of Pistachio Slivers and Slices
One of the important parameters for pistachio slices and slivers exports is its bulk or small packaging.
Since pistachio slices are very fragile, they should be placed in packages that reach the destination with the least amount of damage.
One of the options for packing pistachio slices is to vacuum it, but this method has disadvantages.
When the product is placing in vacuum nylon, slices beside the nylon layer receive pressure.
This will break and crush the slices and slivers on the side of the package.
For this reason, the usual method for packing pistachio slices is to use high-thickness cartons.
In addition, every 4 small cartons (5.5kg cartons) places in a large carton for fewer damages.
These packages are using to export bulk products.
Obviously, when you use the product for selling on the shelves of the shops and chain stores, you need to use small packages.
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